November 11, 2009

You Say I'm Spoiled Like It's A Bad Thing...

At some point or another, we have all been accused of and/or have accused others of being spoiled.

Every single person that I know is at least a pinch spoiled. Naturally, we all like things to go the way that we desire for them to go...Where we want them to go, when and how we want them to go...It would be a tad strange in a "there might be a pill for that" or a "you look like you could use some rest" kind of way- if we savored inconvenience and relished discomfort...And so, in a sense,this "spoiled" thing is essentially in our hard wiring. Although, I am not sure that wanting things to go your way qualifies you as spoiled-or selfish even...I think that it may be the unbending expectation of getting our way in everything ranging from importante to minuscule,and our toddler-like reaction to that expectation not being met...that sends spoiled bubbling up (sometimes over) to various degrees. Hahaha...So...Do you sniff a mystery Scooby?...Not a mystery so much as a teensy confession that I have already justified...thank you very much.

In my super young, ultra-exciting, endlessly glamorous life (hahaha) I have known a lot of self absorbed, child-like, temper tantrum throwing, spoiled rotten people. Even if you have not known them personally, we all encounter these self serving little tyrants in our every day lives. Typically we find them waiting until the lane ends and cutting off a mile-long snake of cars who got over when they were instructed to...because their time is simply THAT much more valuable than the rest of ours. Perhaps they are pitching a fit at the Barista in the front of the line at Shmarshmucks because their "Why Bother" has half a percent of fat, or an ounce of caffeine, or perhaps their soy is not soy enough, or their vanilla not beany enough...Regardless, we stifle a laugh or cringe in discomfort for the object of their wrath...perhaps we pull up a chair and grab popcorn...and undoubtedly, we feel sorry for their mama...if they have one-that is...

Truly, thankfully...(I would do the cross thing and look to heaven if I were Catholic)... I am not that style of spoiled. I am spoiled in the sense that I have a difficult time denying myself or those that I love...the things that we want...Within reason of course...Not talking Italian sport cars, eight carat diamond earrings, or gazillion dollar entertainment systems...More along the lines of...a cherry coke, or a new lip gloss-maybe the Munchkins want an ice cream or the latest Disney movie...THOSE are the areas where my discipline is lacking and my resistance is futile. The smells good, tastes yummy, looks fabulous, sounds spectacular, feels oh-so hard to say no to...for me at least....And so I indulge myself and those around me...just a tad. Actually, that is not what I believe makes me spoiled so much as when I cannot for whatever reason- partake and share such things...I put on the sulk...Yep, a big ruby letter S on my sweater...unintentionally...and I don't wear it proudly at all-but still it slinks in and sticks around uninvited...just for a spell. Just until another opportunity for a little bliss pops up...and for that reason-I suppose, I am spoiled-I am just not so sure that I would have it any other way...except for the sulking. Maybe I should just go all gladiator and take what I want by brute force...then the sulk would have outlived its "usefulness"...If you knew me- you would be on the floor rolling in fits of laughter trying not to wet yourself...that visual is so laughably preposterous...

But? I know you are spoiled's only fair. So, c'mon admit it-you can tell me. There are things in this world that turn you into Verruca Salt...What are they? Golden Gooses? Tell me already. Pretty please?