February 28, 2009

Over the Rainbow

The Wizard of Oz

I have adored this movie since I was five or so. Complex in its simplistic disguise, it is so much more poignant to me in adulthood. Judy Garland is so gloriously and prophetically tragic.

This was the first color movie and can you possibly imagine the reaction of the audience? Living life in color, watching it in sepia tones and then Dorothy exits her house after crashing down in Oz and she opens the door, entering a whole new world (literally and metaphorically). Opening the farmhouse door to pure magic with its kaleidoscope of colors? Must have been like Christmas! In life experience too, how often do we collide with our situation, only to awaken to suddenly see “reality” in all of its techno-color glory?

Are you familiar with the Heroes Journey? I suppose it would be classified as a literary process. Anyway...in our life’s journey, each of us is on the yellow brick road. We are running away, having adventures, overcoming obstacles, fulfilling dreams, learning valuable skills and lessons and discovering we are stronger than we thought we were. Perhaps the most valuable acquisition is the people that fulfill us,that ease the struggles and enhance our journey and we, better theirs. Eventually we return to the home we have been so desperately seeking. The return home of course, is physical, spiritual and intellectual (all out prodigal son style and magnitude). Then for further exploration, is the revelation that Dorothy had within herself the ability to get home all along. Had it not been for her friends and her all encompassing journey, she would never have found her way. Dorothy would never have developed and practiced the balance of courage, thoughtfulness and heart and come to fruition. Not to mention all the cursed apple throwing trees, flying monkeys and wicked witches we have to battle along the way.

I want Over the Rainbow played at my funeral. Eternally relevant as well as temporally. You may have noticed that my ruby slippers are not often planted on the yellow brick road. My mind is usually cozied up somewhere over the rainbow. More lovely there. Heehee . Speaking of ruby slippers I am going to get some. Possibly plant some poppies. I am fearful however, that the fantasy will die with the flowers.