November 17, 2008

Face Book-Highschool De Jas Vous

So my husband just got me turned on (wait for it, wait for it...) to Facebook. He kept telling me how all these people I knew from school were on it, yada, yada, yada...So I get on it last night and start setting up my profile and attempting to post photos etc...I say attempting because I am about the most computer illiterate person you could ever hope never to meet. I see lots of people I "know" considering the enrollment of the two high schools that I attended have the combined enrollment of a large high school's graduating class. One school so minuscule that it is not on the list of schools even though there are about fifty graduates represented on Facebook...haha...not at all sure how that works.

Anyway, I requested some friends (waiting on Harry Connick Junior to accept my friend/fantasy boy friend/love slave request) and deliberately not requested some as well. I find it (almost) comical how coming into contact with certain people from high school can give a girl that "does my hair look alright, check that my lip gloss is perfect and please, PLEASE don't trip" feeling all over again. I am now married with two beautiful children.-definitely NOT prowling in the least. So I find it funny how those adolescent butterflies flutter in my now allegedly matured tummy ...Almost like it did when that nameless boy (although I remember his name)smiled crookedly at me from across the English classroom. I don't think I was a dork-pretty sure I wasn't. Private schools are different though. Those often unfairly drawn social lines blurred a bit more...But somehow, I think even the most confident, popular girl in high school (Iwas not that either) had her moments of insecurity. Anyway for me Facebook is High school De Jas Vous.

Difficult to be especially profound on this topic. Just that seeing photos and sending shout outs and Friend Requests into cyber space to people that I haven't seen in ten to fifteen...has this odd, surreal effect on me. Call me crazy (please... I kind of like it;0))...but the whole PRETEND living that communicating through technology has introduced- mixed with my version of the past creates this surreal combination of the glory days (which in retrospect, not all that glorious) and an awareness of who I am now and who I thought that I would become. Not that I gave it a lot of thought at that stage in life. Still a bit gray on the subject of future plans...Memories are powerful though, aren't they? All those firsts...kisses, dances, best friends, loves and consequently heart breaks, disappointments and betrayals. I suppose that highschool did prepare me for real life after all. Although, I don't think Geometry and Home Economics had much to do with it...Thankfully. They held little relevance for me then, as they do now.

Said it before, say it again..."High school NEVER ends"...sad but true. Think there will be prom in heaven? I better start looking for a dress...Right after I fix my hair, touch up my lip gloss and update my status...