October 9, 2008

Does Highschool Ever End?

I just got together with some old Friends from high school. Now I don't want to completely date myself, but I graduated before "Al Gore's Internet" (as my step father in law comically refers to it) was easily accessed from every home in America...so needless to say life has changed a bit since high school. We are all married and most of us have children( plural...that seems crazy). Oddly enough, the dynamics are not that different than they were "x" number of years ago.

Of course this got me thinking about how life is really an exaggerated form of high school. This is not an original notion for a reason-because it rings so true for almost everyone. There are still bullies, cool kids, athletes, drama queens, freaks (and the older I get the more I am convinced that to human is to be a bit freaky deaky) but some wear their freak flags on their chests...anyway.. dorks, eccentrics,...you name it...

And years later, we still care what our friends think. New friends , old friends, would be friends...haha HOPEFULLY what has changed is that we have a stronger sense of who we are and do not reinvent ourselves continuously to become what we think others expect us to be. To be honest though, we still make slight modifications to our SELF to best fit with the company we keep...Smart Self,Competant Self, Business Self, Sexy Self, Sassy Self, Super Mommy Self, Fascinating Self, Good Wife Self...(we will keep the Naughty Selves in the closet for now to be taken out at a later date). A bit of randomness here...because of these little adjustments we make, when different groups that require a different "Self" come together...I call it worlds colliding (thank you Jerry Seinfeld)...but that is my proof for the high school theory...Worlds Colliding always causes me a brief and minor identity crisis.

Anyway, I like most people (I think) I both loved and hated high school. It had a lot of the drama and intrigue I require for living. I was somewhere in the middle of the heap. Not the tip top, nor the bottom...and that is sort of where I still am. ..that seems kind of pathetic...although I have experienced rises and falls within that spectrum.

Really though...I have more or less come to terms with the high school me, that I still am in some ways. I am not a genius or an over-achiever...I make my mistakes regularly and (hopefully) learn from them . Try to always strive to be a kinder, better person...and I have outgrown some of my high school flaws...but some of them just magnified when "real" life set in...still feel as if I am trying to find my way. The issues are modified and the stakes are higher, but the feelings are basically the same-just with new upgraded twists.

Reminiscing I remember how eager I was to get out of high school, little did I know that I never really would.