September 26, 2008

Had a Bad Day

I have to go back to last season of A.I .(or American Idol). When each Contestant got voted off...they would do the sappy video montage to Daniel Powter's "Bad Day"- (a song I still like in spite of the show's numerous efforts to destroy it for me). I like American Idol-like a great deal of "reality" television, I find it highly addictive-primarily due to its' broad appeal. ANYWAY, my point is this-when I see the young ones weep and see how defeated they are after they are cast from the pop island... I think that in the life of the kid being voted off. in the most vicious way Ryan Secrest and the Producers of American Idol can imagine in the name of "Entertainment"-THAT day .. is a catastrophic disaster...yet in the grand scheme...of all the days, of all the people in all the world...hardly a drop in the bucket.

So today, I had a bad day. I am not relevant enough to warrant a video montage or a theme song , but I try to force it into perspective. While my bad day was unselfishly was bad for me because someone nearest and dearest to my heart is having a hard time at this juncture in life. It is not hurricane bad, fire bad, serious illness relatively speaking, it was good...if that makes any sense.

However, why does knowing that "this too shall pass," not make it pass any quicker?

So although I literally was falling apart at my seams today on his behalf. .In his life...this is one day of many. And oddly enough, he doesn't even know it was bad.

Perspective...easy to define, hard to attain...

Especially when, "You had a Bad Day..."